So, we're finally home from our big anniversary weekend away. I am so grateful for the time away and it was fabulous having alone time with my hubby...but I just have to say...RAIN SUCKS!!! Almost ALL our fun activities we had planned got cancelled. No fishing, no horseback riding, no biking or hiking. Even on our wildlife tour we ended up just taking a little jeep out with the guide since we were the only 2 people crazy enough to come for it in the POURING rain.
That's the "Bad"
Here are some pics of our cabin.
For the "Good"--Thursday's weather (our arrival day) was absolutely GORGEOUS! As soon as we got there we took a paddleboat out on the lake and got a good leg workout! After that we got checked into our room and then started getting stuff ready for our dinner. Since it was nice out and we had a private deck with a NICE gas grill on it, we decided to just cook our own dinner instead of going out. I had brought 2 bacon-wrapped turkey filets, 2 potatoes and a can of green beans and some dinner rolls. We had everything we needed for a nice supper.
After dinner, we tried throwing a line in the water from the bank right down from our cabin...but the trees and brush were so thick, we both lost our lures in the tree limbs so we decided to just go back to the room and enjoy the fireplace and big jacuzzi tub.
Friday morning rolled around with lots of thunder and lightening and rain. We were scheduled to do our horseback riding that morning...but decided to reschedule it for Sunday instead. We headed off for Branson in search of the "Branson Landing" that everyone is talking about. We did a little shopping around and I got some good deals for the kids from The Children's Place. Then we headed back to the resort for our 2 o'clock massage appointments. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh....that was WoNdErFuL!!! The lady who did mine started on my head first and she rubbed my hair and face for probably 15 minutes. It was Great!!
After our massages, we ordered room service for dinner. Matt tried the smoked salmon and I ordered a chicken club sandwich. We had a $50 credit for room service that came with our package...but the deal was we had to spend the whole $50 in one we also ordered a grilled chicken ceasar salad and a slice of strawberry cheesecake!! It looked like SO MUCH FOOD! ha ha...but we saved what we didn't eat and snacked on it the next day. After we had finished our dinner, we exhanged anniversary gifts. Matt got me a laptop!!! (this picture is "the ugly")
I've been wanting one for years but I've been REALLY REALLY REALLY wanting one for the last this was a wonderful surprise! (thanks Rachael & Lisa for helping him out with this!)
Since I couldn't think of a single really awesome gift to get him, I decided to get him 10 gifts--one for each year of marriage. In all I got him: a pair of jeans, a super-cute navy gingham dress shirt, a pair of AE camo swimming trunks, a dark pink AE t-shirt that he says he'll NEVER wear, some Nike socks & some Perry Ellis underwear, a pair of Adidas tennis shoes, some Hollister "Jake" cologne, a black down vest, some camoflage underwear and for the big finale present...a really cool silver cross ring from James Avery. At first he wasn't crazy about very much of his a lot of them are a little bit out of his "norm" but I think they are growing on him. By summer, I bet I'll even get him to wear the pink shirt! ha ha
After our gift exchange, we got to take our romantic carriage ride around the whole Big Cedar property. It was gorgeous and we got lots of attention because the horse pulling us was HUGE and gorgeous and we had pretty white lights all over the carriage so it made us look like we were VIP or something! hee hee
Here's one of us togegther on the carriage ride. Matt had "let one" just as I hit the button...thus my scrunched up face and his laughing face.
Saturday morning was supposed to be our wildlife tram tour at Dogwood Canyon---but once again it was POURING rain. We called and they said if we still wanted to do it they'd just take us out in a jeep since we were the only 2 people who weren't cancelling. We decided to go ahead with it.
We saw some animals and the coolest part was getting to feed the rainbow trout from our hands! I have never seen so many fish jump out of the water all at once in my life! It was awesome!
Saturday night we decided to go see the Dixie Stampede since there really wasn't much else we could do in the rain. It was a fun show/dinner and then after that we visited the Tanger Outlet Mall.
Sunday we slept in and took our time getting around and then headed off to do our trail ride...but of course, the rain started up again and we ended up having to cancel again. We decided to head to Branson for lunch at the Olive Garden and then to do a little bit more shopping to get a couple more souvineers before we headed home. more thing I forgot to tell ya'll about...Saturday morning before our wildlife tour, I decided to just take a bath and wash up and shave and then I'd take my big shower and get "all ready" later in the day. So, Matt's in the shower, I'm in the bathtub across the room shaving my legs and I reach into the water to get the razor I had dropped and I grab the dumb thing by the blade. Sure enough I pulled my hand out of the water to see a chunk of my pointer finger missing and blood running down my hand and onto my arm. I immediately jumped up out of the bath and ran over and showed it to Matt. Poor guy...he has a weak stomach as it is and I think that about made him faint! We ended up having to have the Medics come out and bandage me up because the thing would NOT stop bleeding and I didn't even have a band-aid with me. I swear...razors and I do NOT get along!
Anyhow, I'm sure I could blabber more about it all...but I am sitting in bed typing this on my new laptop and I am nodding off while I am typing, so I think it's time to put it up for tonight! Thank you all for you sweet comments and wishes for a Happy Anniversary! You guys are the best!!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Romance & I come!!!
I had really wanted and planned on doing a big post about my 10th anniversary...but time got away from me and now here I am...9:19 pm on the night before my departure and I still haven't done it---and I don't have time to now either. I still need to finish laundry and pack before I go to bed. Anyway, I'll be "out" for a that's why you won't be hearing from me. Don't worry though...I'll be in good hands and good company! I'm so giddy about getting to spend 4 whole days with just me and my handsome hubby! This is what I have to look forward to: horseback riding, a wildlife tour, a 60-minute couples massage, shopping, a romantic horse-drawn carriage ride, fishing, a 2 person private jacuzzi, chocolate covered strawberries......just to name a little.
I hope and plan to come back feeling like a whole new, rejuvinated me! Talk to you all soon!!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
It's the New Thing!
Uppercase Living. Ever heard of it? It may be popular in other areas, but in our area, it's just starting to really catch on. I went to my first party a few weeks ago and I was completely overwhelmed with all the choices! I ended up buying only 1 thing that says "Family" and signed up to have a party of my own. Here are some pics of the thingy I bought and the web link if you want to see all the stuff they have. (Demonstrator ID: 305998 Token: Sowell)
It's vinyl lettering that goes directly onto your wall or anything really. You can even stick it on the windows of your car! Some of my favorites were on kids toyboxes or little step stools or even on just a single peice of floor tile.
Anyhow, I will be placing orders if any of you wants anything...but that is absolutely NOT why I posted about this...I just wanted to show you what I did today.
Ps. I did want to say that I am not totally happy with how mine turned out. The actual product is gorgeous and I love it...but I think the spot I put it was too big for the actual size of the square..and it kind of gets lost. I think I will look for a really big, fun frame to put around it to really showcase it.
My best friend from elementary school, Amy, who has remained one of my closest friends all this time, came to visit me this weekend!!! She had her first baby, Easton, (you might remember him from his Mmmmm....Boobies! shirt) in November of last year and this is my first time to get to see him. What a CUTIE pie he was! Holding him brought back all those feelings of wanting another little squirt of my own. Here are some pics from our visit.
Also, here is a pic of Brooklyn with Hannah Montana!
I'm addicted to the Poll's
Hey guys! I have been having so much fun with the Poll's I've been doing. It's interesting to see what the majority of us do/think and still be incognito.
I thought I would put the results of the past 3 polls that I've done on here for you to all see...and comment on if you want to.
I asked: "How important is having friends to you?"
1 person said "The only friend I need is my husband."
1 person said: "Having friends is nice but not necessary."
9 people said: "My friends are a huge part of my life and I'd never want to be without them.
3 people said: "I just wish I had time to have friends."
I asked this question because I realize that many of us (me for SURE) are at a stage of our lives where our friendships take work. We are busy women with kids, husbands, church obligations, school obligations just to name a few. Having friendships, especially close ones, takes time and dedication. I think most of us agree though...that having our friends is worth the work! Hooray!
I asked: "Should we have another baby?"
5 of you said: "Yes!"
4 of you said: "No!"
1 of you said "Only if you do it soon."
I asked this question because I have REALLY been giving this some thought lately. I realize that Grant (my baby) is about to be FOUR!!!! and if I was ever going to have another child..I better get on the ball. That being said, I am about 90% sure that we will NOT have any more kids. I supposed until one of us is "fixed" there is always that tiny chance that we might change our minds or something might "get through" but for the time being...2 will do. :o)
I asked: "Do you let your kids watch Sponge Bob?"
3 of you said "Yes."
8 of you said "No."
1 of you said "Only if there is nothing else on." (and this was me)
I asked this question because I have started to notice some things on SB that I'm not crazy about here lately and I've started to question whether or not my kids need to be watching the little guy. I'm surprised so many of you said No. I knew some of you were anti-SB...but I didn't realize how many. I would love to hear your opinion on this subject if you don't mind leaving me a comment...!!
And my newest poll is: "Do you spank your kids?"
I am very anxious to see these results and discuss this topic with you all. I won't divulge my stand on the subject just yet (even though most of you who know me personally already know). I will just say that I am definitely having second thoughts about this and am thinking about changing my discipline techniques.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Friday Fun
What a great day!!! It's 77 degrees outside!! We started the day out by playing outside all morning. I used some extra indoor/outdoor fabric to help the kids make a "clubhouse" and they LOVED that. Then we came in and took baths and then made paper loops to decorate our upstairs room. For the first time his week, Grant was a good boy all day and didn't throw any big fits. Hallelujah! I needed a break from that.
Now Brooklyn is on her way to go spend the night with a friend and we are headed out to dinner! Thank God for the weekend!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
I can't find the words...
to say how much I love this drawing my little girl did the other night. She was having a hard time falling asleep so Matt gave her some paper and a pencil. The next morning I found this drawing laying beside the bed. It took a minute to figure out her spelling...but what a precious picture!
It says: "Angle" "God is watching over me" "Now I am brave"
Praise the Lord for children who know their FATHER!
The longest week of my life!
Wow, we've certainly been keeping busy this 'Spring Break' week. It feels as though each day goes by in slow motion though. I can't believe it's only Thursday! On Monday we went bowling and then to the McDonald's playland for lunch and playtime.
Tuesday we went 1st-to the gym 2nd-to lunch with some friends from the gym 3rd-roller skating! What a JOKE that was!! Apparently every DayCare in down decided to take their kids to skate at the same time. I had kids coming up to me in all directions asking for snacks and quarters. I guess most of them didn't know who their "teachers" were and just assumed that since I was an adult, they could ask me for stuff!! On top of that, probably 90% of them couldn't skate so I had little hands pulling on my pants and arms the whole time! It was actually kind of funny. What was really ironic is that my own kid (Grant) hated it and wanted to go home after the first 15 minutes. Brooklyn was having a grand time Grant and I turned our skates back in and just watched her skate for the next 2 hours. Wednesday I decided we needed a day at home so we ran to the dollar store and got some stuff to dye Easter eggs and I found all this neat stuff to plant a "starter" garden. The kids had lots of fun playing in the mud (potting soil I added WAY too much water to) and planting their seeds. After that, we made Apple Crisp using my new Pampered Chef apple peeler/corer/slicer thingy. They had fun working the little gadget and the dessert turned out marvelous! Check out the recipe divas link for the recipe!! (thanks Amos!!)
Thursday (today) I decided to get them up early and we went to IHOP for breakfast so the kids could get some "Who-Cakes". Since I was on my way to the gym for a strenuous 2 hour work-out, I just ordered a bowl of plain oatmeal and some wheat toast with water. How BORING! It was actually REALLY good though and I only ate half of it. (I didn't want to get sick at the gym).
The kids enjoyed their disgustingly sweet breakfast though and then we rushed off to the gym. After that, we ran by the movies to see what time the movie "Horton hears a Who" started. The sign said 12:00. I looked at my watch and it said 12:03 so we parked and went on in for the movie. After that we went next door to Ross so I could browse for a few minutes. I hadn't been in there in a loooooooong time and I just wanted to check it out. Well, boy oh boy...that was an expensive browse! I found SO MANY great deals though! One thing I've always wanted and never had is a suitcase. I found this black & white polka dot one and fell in love with it. I called my mom to ask her about the brand and if she thought it was a good deal and she said she and my grandma would just buy it for us since they were going to get us an anniversary gift anyway!! How cool is that?!? In addition to that, I also found this ADORABLE apron. I was also going to show ya'll my new shoes I found the other day for only $25 on clearance!! Aren't they cute? They are SO light and summery!
So, that's it so far. I'm not sure what tomorrow holds for us. Matt has to work so it'll just be me and the kids again. I had hoped to take them to the Zoo one day this week...maybe we'll try that tomorrow if the weather is nice. It's been a fun week (other than the meltdowns Grant has been having when he doesn't get his way) but I am DEFINITELY ready for MY vacation next week!! BTW...for those of you keeping tract...I weighed 143.8 today. I was so excited I jumped off the scale and ran to get my camera to take a picture and show ya'll the proof...and then the dumb thing would not say anything but 144.4. Grrr..I said 143 when I first got on! ha ha ha
Monday, March 17, 2008
Spring Break
It's Monday morning, 8:30 am--the first "official" day of Spring Break and I have NO idea what we are going to do this week. I know what I don't want to do...which is nothing. I don't want to spend this week like every other week (get up & go to the gym, come home, shower, eat lunch, kids occupy themselves while I work, cook dinner, watch tv, go to bed) ICK! I REALLY wish I had planned something for this week...but it snuck up on me and now here I sit, Monday morning trying to figure something out. I had thought about taking the kids down to our hometown to visit family...but I'd have to go without Matt and I hate doing that. About the only thing that comes to my mind is stuff like the movies, Incredible Pizza, bowling, skating, zoo, aquarium. Probably would be fun for them...but not for me. That's okay though...this is SO NOT about me. I want them to have mommy to themselves this week. I just wish I could think of something different to do than the everyday stuff we already do and have done several times.
Well, anyway, that's what I'm up to this morning. Guess I should probably get off this computer and straighten the house up before the kids get up. (can you believe it's almost 9 am and they are still asleep???) Hooray! On Thursday night (since there was no school on Friday), for something fun, Matt and I hauled Grant's full-sized mattress upstairs to the play room and let them sleep in there. We popped popcorn, made chocolate milk shakes and put on a movie for them. We have been doing that every night since then (minus the popcorn and shakes) and they have been sleeping so GREAT! Maybe it's quieter up there??!!! Maybe I'll permanently make that their little apartment--as they like to call it! ha ha It is pretty 'set-up' up there. They have a full bathroom, TV/DVD/VCR/Satellite, couch, recliners, air hockey, all the toys/crafts a kid could ever want, a refrigerator, a stereo. Gosh...maybe I'll just move up there!!! hee hee
Anyway, off I go. Hope you're having a fun spring break with your kiddos!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
for those of you keeping track..I am at 144. 3 pounds down...but SO far to go. A little progress is better than none though.
That bad?
So---I can take a hint. I am figuring that since I've YET to receive ONE comment on my "Hot Mama" video...that you guys didn't like it and were just left SPEECHLESS???
I thought it was so cute and fit me to a T (not that I am a hot mama...but that I am always trying so hard)
Anyhow, sorry if I offended anyone.
I feel like CRAPOLA today. I suspect I have a fever, my head feels like a bowling ball and my neck is achy. I have some funky pain in my sternum/ribcage that has been keeping me up at night and I cannot figure out what in the world it is. My husband is considering the whole changing-jobs thing again and we visited a new church this morning that really ministered to us. I feel torn in a hundred different directions. We also had a loooooooooooong parent-teacher conference with Brooklyn's teacher last week and I feel more pressure than EVER to spend quality time working with her every day...time I just don't seem to have and that she despises. My FIL is back staying with us again and my son is going through the most disobedient stage of his life yet. The kid just simply won't obey. Threats of a "paddlin" don't even phase him.
I'm sure it'll all be fine tomorrow...but for today....ICK! Anyhow, I think I am gonna go scrapbook for an hour or two. The kids are at my parents for a bit and Matt and his dad are watching a movie in the other room. Maybe a little scrappin' will take my mind off all this stuff...???!?!?
Love & Miss ya'll and your comments!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Kickin' butt
That's what I'm doing. I got off the couch and went to kickboxing last night at 7:45 pm and then back up and there again this morning for Core class and 30 minutes on the elliptical. Plus, I got some cute new stuff to work out that always makes me feel better!
I am beginning to think I REALLY want an elliptical machine (for at home). I have a treadmill...but it is a 1970's model and it is LOUD. Like I mean, if you have it on, you can't even hear the TV or the radio--even if they're turned up full blast! Plus, it hesitates about every 5th step which is really frustrating when you've got a good pace going. I'm not really complaining, it was given to me for free by my brother and I lost the first 30 pounds of my weight walking on that thing 30 minutes every it's been a major blessing...but now I'd really like to get something smaller and quieter that I could do in the house (not in the garage) while I watch TV. I honestly think I would exercise while I watch TV if I could actually hear the TV over the machine I'm on. So if any of you wanna sell one......:o) (R.S.)
Oh and I ordered myself a bathing suit online yesterday! I don't do online this is kinda weird/exciting....but I REALLY liked this suit and the store never had my size I ordered it. I got the tankini top, the binkini top and the bottoms. Hopefully they fit. I loved the color (fall cork) and it's really shimmery metallic. Here are some pictures:
Sunday, March 09, 2008
3 year olds x NINETEEN
Whew! What a morning! I taught the 3-year-old class this morning at church and we had 19. With only 2 adults (me and my mom) and five that were extra-unruly this morning...I am POOPED! We didn't even get out of church until 1:22. Then I had to run to Kohl's and return something and then to the mall to the Gap to return something and then to eat. We just got home about 40 minutes ago and we have to leave again in 45 minutes to go back tonight! At least tonight, we get to be spoiled. They are having a volunteer banquet and we get a free meal and entertainment. If I weren't such a sucker for free stuff..I'd probably just stay home since all I really feel like doing is chillin' on the couch...BUT...I have been saving up (my calories) all day so I can enjoy this nice probably steak dinner tonight. My big worry is the dessert! They always serve these gigantic peices of turtle cheesecake with each plate. It is like my favorite thing in the world...but I can just imagine how many hours on the treadmill I'd have to do to burn that one single peice of dessert off! I don't know what to do. Should I just take a bite or two or just steer clear from the dessert all together? I don't know if I could do the just a bite or two thing. One bite just makes me want it all the more! uhhh...why can't I just be naturally thin? At the mall today while I was sitting there eating my protien bar from home I watched my kids scarf down Popeye's fried chicken and biscuits...and I also noticed a zillion teeny-tiny girls all eating pizza and chinese and sonic burgers and soft pretzels and ice cream cones. How the heck do they eat that stuff and stay so teensy?
It's just so irritating to feel like I have to be thinking about this all the time. If I'm not though, I slip up and eat what everyone else is eating and then pay for it later on the scale.
Well, okay, I probably better get off the computer and start getting myself ready. The theme for tonight is "A Night on The Town." I have NO IDEA what that means for the dress code but I am thinking maybe a cute casual dress with a sweater/jacket and heels? Anyhow, catcha later!
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Boom Shop-a-lotta
Woopsee! What I thought was going to be a 'couple' or a 'few' hours out with my girlfriends ended up turning into SEVEN! Our first stop after our DELISH breakfast at Panera (I am totally infatuated with their cinammon crunch bagels with honey walnut spread!!) was to go to Ulta. I had never been there before and I've always kind of steered clear because it's one of those ritzy makeup/hair salon products stores and frankly, CoverGirl and Dove are about as elaborate as I get when I buy make up or hair products. Anyhow, I browsed while the other girls got what they needed and I found a bottle of nail polish that I have been looking for for 12 years!!! I know, that's crazy!! But, my senior year in high school (1996) I went and got fake nails put on. I had them paint them this color OPI Dutch Tulips. I LOVED IT! I went back and asked them if I could buy the whole bottle of polish. Even though it was half used, they sold it to me and I used every last drop. When I got ready to buy more, I never could find it anywhere. Through all these years though, I have kept that empty bottle so I could always remember what the name of the color was. When I walked past the OPI aisle today and my eyes immediately went to this particular bottle of polish and then I turned it over and saw the name, I couldn't believe it. It was quite a splurge ($8.50) but my girls talked me into getting it. I DO really love the color. It's like the PERFECT balance between red and pink.
Saturday Musings
Good Morning! It's Saturday, 7:14 am. I've actually been up for about half an hour now which is a RECORD for me on a Saturday morning! I'm excited though because I get to go hang out with my girlfriends today for a couple of hours! I am "hosting" a "baby shower" today for a good friend of mine. I say "hosting--baby shower" because really all it is, is a group of 7 girls meeting up at Panera bread for breakfast and to celebrate her last months of pregnancy. This is her 3rd baby, so she's pretty set as far as things she we are all just bringing a pkg. of diapers to give her. I did send out invitations though (as you saw a few posts ago) and I am giving each person a petit four. Now, do any of you know what the heck a petit four is? Originally I thought it was spelled "pedifore" but that sounds like either some kind of sex offender or else something you'd use on your feet to me. Thankfully MissGotWings gave me the correct spelling! But actually, they are these little individual cakes I bought from our ritzy bakery here in town. Since we are having breakfast, I thought it might be weird/silly to get a, I got each person their own little petit four and I am wrapping them up all pretty so they can just take them home with them. Cool huh? I just think that is the WEIRDEST name for something EVER!
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Thinner on Thursday
Call it it ironic. For some reason, I always weigh 147.4 on my digital scale on Wednesday. Thus making my Wednesday Weigh-In's very redundant. Maybe Wednesday is my heavy day of the week...!!?? For the past 2 weeks I have tried weighing on Thursday too...and it's always a much better number! So, for the next 3 Thursdays (before I leave for my vacation on Thur. March 27) I will post my "Wednesday Weigh-In" on Thursday and we will call it "Thinner on Thursday" instead! ha ha
So, today I weighd 145 again. No loss...but I'm glad to see 145 and not 147 so I'm happy. However, by next Thursday, I AT LEAST expect it to be at 144 or less. I am going to be ridiculously careful with my diet from now till next Thursay and see what will happen.
Also, I can't hardly believe this, but a friend of mine from the gym who is a competative body builder and very tiny told me that the BEST and ONLY thing she does to trim her waistline and those pesky love handles is to take a broom stick (or empty barbell) and put it behind her neck holding with her hands and twist. From right to left back and forth---150 times and she does 3 sets a day. She was telling me that you don't want to use weights when you're working on your waistline because you DO NOT want to build muscle there and bulk up. What you want to do is tone and trim. I'm down wit it. I figure I can at least do that every day for the next 21 days and see if I can trim up my waistline. And to prove whether or not it really works, I am going to give you the measurement of my waist today and then we'll compare it in 3 weeks and see if there is any change. So my measurement today---at the bellybutton---not sucking in but totally relaxed---is 35.
I would love to challenge all of you out there to do this with me. It's not diffucult, you won't get all hot and sweaty, you can do it while you watch your favorite show, you don't need any fancy equipment and it's only for 3 weeks! If you do decide to jump on board, be sure and take your measurements RIGHT NOW so you'll have an accurate starting point!
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
We're Famous!
After I uploaded that picture of our snow-family to my computer, I sent off a copy to our local news station. Sure enough, they put it on the news tonight. Too bad my camera doesn't have sound...but here is the video anyway! Cool!
For the Diva


Snow Much Fun!!
So, not only were we covered in snow today...but our power was also out for a good porton of the day as well. It was probably God's way of telling me to get off the computer (working) and take my kids outside and play! I have/had SO much work today I just didn't see how I was gonna find time to take them out in the snow. Well..when the power went out...I couldn't work out we went! Here are the pics from our fun!
Here is Brooklyn with her snow girl. Here I am with my snow-momma.
Here Grant is with his snow-boy.
And here is the entire family all decked out. Aren't we cute??
Of course, I had to make one with BOOBIES on it for you all in honor of our most recent survey! Ha Ha!!