Our driveway is gravel...in the good parts. The rest of it is dirt/sand/mud. Today, I spent 4-5 hours digging rock out of our front yard to put in our driveway. When we had our septic system put in, they dumped a couple loads of rocks in our yard. What they didn't use for the septic system has just been laying on the grass for the past 7 months, sinking in deeper and deeper each time it rains. Since I played hookey on going to aerobics today, I "punished" myself by deciding to rake/shovel rock all day. I guaran-dang-tee ya it was the most physical/hard work I've ever done. I am so exhausted and my arms are so sore that I got wore out just holding the phone up to my ear a while ago! In addition to sore-beyond-measure muscles, I also have a HECK of a sunburn on my back. (I did this shoveling in a bikini and no sunscreen!) I'm sure it will make for a nice tan eventually but right now, I just look like a lobster. Thankfully I had a really good base tan already. What stinks about the whole thing is that I didn't get done. I worked until I thought I would pass out and I was shaking. All I ate for lunch today was a small bowl of fruit and that coupled with the heat was making me woozy. (I better have lost some weight today! hee hee) Anyway, tomorrow or whenever I regain enough strength, I still have to go out there and pick up about 5-6 piles of rock and move them over to the driveway. Sounds easy, right? Uh---No! Anyway, I am not really complaining, despite how it may sound. I am thrilled to have gotten to #1: Spend the day outside with my kids, #2: Get some extreme exercise, #3: Get more tan and finally #4: I got a big, hard job out the way that my hubby won't have to do now. I have this weird thing lately about trying to be the "perfect wife." It's not gonna happen, I know...it's not humanly possible. But, I figure he's stuck with the same woman for the rest of his life...I want to make it as great as possible for him. Plus, I guess I want to see how "accomodating" I can stand to be to his every want and need. We'll see....ha ha
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
101 %
One of my friends had this on her website today. I thought it was SO neat, I had to put it on mine too. (Thanks Amos!!)
What does it mean to give MORE than 100%
Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been in situations where someone wants you to give over 100%
How about achieving 101%
Here’s a little mathematical formula that might help you answer these questions:
If A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z is represented by:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26, then
H-A-R-D-W-O-R-K (8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11) = 98% and
K-N-O-W-L-E-D-G-E (11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5) = 96% but,
A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E (1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5) = 100% and look how far the love of God will take you:
L-O-V-E-O-F-G-O-D (12+15+22+5+15+6+7+15+4) = 101%
Therefore one can conclude with mathematical certainty that: while Hardwork and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, it’s the Love of God that will put you over the top!
Morning Mayhem...
This morning I awoke at 6:20 a.m. to fix my darling husband breakfast and lunch and then sent him off to work at around 6:45. I washed the dishes and then retreated to my office to start on my work for the day. Just as I sat down, a familiar pain shot through my side and back. "OH NO!" I thought....I recognized that pain as kidney stone pain!! I have had only 1 kidney stone before but I guarantee you it made a lasting impression on me as the most painful experience I have endured. I began thinking through my day and how I was going to deal with this if it was actually indeed a kidney stone. For 2 hours, I sat at my computer working and assessing whether or not the pain was getting worse. It seemed to be pretty constant but not worsening. I decided to get up and eat some cereal and rest on the couch for a minute. Thankfully, it vanished and I have felt fine the rest of the day. Who knows what it was. All I know is I am so grateful it went away. Anyway, after that I decided to make the kids sausage and pancakes for breakfast. I started frying the sausage and realized that I didn't have any pancake mix. Called mom, she had some so Brooklyn was going to ride her bike down there and get it for me. She got about half way when she decided it was too hard to ride her bike in the sand and walked back home. I ended up loading up both of the kids and the dog in the car and driving down there to get it. You think...not that big of a deal, but my kids throw a FIT when they see their grandma and don't get to stay at her house. (see 'kids crying'-previous post) So, I got back home and mixed the water with the mix and realized I put a cup instead of 3/4 cup so now I had pancake soup instead. I decided to add some flour and a little sugar/cinnamon to thicken it up. And that is when I dropped the whole shaker full of sugar/cinnamon all over my kitchen floor. UGH! Anyway, after about an hour in the makings, they got to eat their breakfast. (or would that be brunch seeing as how it was almost noon!) Finally, I finished cleaning my kitchen (for the 2nd time today) and things were back to normal. So anyhow, sorry..that story was long and probably boring and I would delete it except that I just spent 20 minutes or so typing it out, so it's staying. ha ha.... Bye for now!!
Cry Baby
Just wondering...Why is it that children cry so much more loudly than adults? When I cry, no one knows unless they look into my eyes. My face doesn't shrivel all up, I don't groan and moan and shriek and gasp. Tears just slip silently down my cheeks. If I am out-right sobbing (which rarely occurs--if ever), a small "sob" might escape every now and then but still, one would have to be very observant to even notice.
When children cry, one would have to be deaf and blind to NOT notice. (at least my children anyway) It goes on for what seems like an eternity and gets more dramatic with each passing moment, especially if anyone is watching/listening. Brooklyn gets in as much trouble for crying as she does for everything else put together. It can be something so tiny that sets her off too. Like tonight, while she was putting on a fashion show for us, Matt mentioned that her shirt looked like something Michael Jackson wore and she ran from the room all upset. Who knew that would be such an offensive comment!!?? Those of you who know her know she can be quite dramatic but these days, she is also very emotional and sensitive. (I hate to think what it will be like when she is a teenager coupled with PMS!!)
Anyway, is it just for attention that kids cry like that or is it actually genuine? Maybe they are incapable of crying silently..? Mine are anyway.
So, if any of you know of a way to stop a kid from crying loudly and endlessly, please let me know. Around here...if you get onto her for crying, it just causes more of the same. Whaaaaaaaaahhh!!!
Saturday, June 24, 2006
matt -n- jen 4-ever
Last night my parents babysat the kids while Matt and I went on a DATE! Woo-hoo! It's been a loooooong time since we've gotten to spend any time together--just the two of us. We went out to dinner at El Chico and then saw the new Adam Sandler movie, Click. I ordered tortilla soup for my dinner (which wasn't very good--but I am trying to watch my calories). After dinner, we ran to the dollar store and got some candy to eat during the movie. I was craving twizzlers but Gosh! they are fattening. One serving (4 of them) has 130 calories. The bag I got had 5 servings and I could have easily eaten the whole bag which would have been 650 calories!!!!! WOWSERS! Thankfully I limited myself to only 4 (and a couple Raisonetts)(sp?) Anyway, the movie was really cute. It was hilarious in parts and then intensley sad in other parts. It ended happy though (which is very important to me). If a movie ends sad, I end up feeling depressed for the rest of the night....if it ends romantic, well then I'm feeling romantic and if was a confusing or stressful movie, I am usually exhausted afterwards. I guess I get REALLY into movies when I watch them. I tend to analyze them for hours afterwards too. As a matter of fact, this particular movie Click, had me re-thinking lots of things. It certainly puts a new perspective on the way you live your life. Go see it, you'll enjoy it. Well, at the moment, Grant and Matt are napping, Brooklyn is watching TV and I am working. (okay, well I was until I started this post-ha ha) If there are some of you out there who don't know what I "do", I type medical transcription for a podiatrist (foot doctor). It's an awesome job but can get pretty boring after about an hour of in-grown toenails, warts and calluses. (nasty, I know!) Anyway, tonight our little town is having their Independence Day Celebration and we are all planning on going. It should be fun. There will be jupiter jumps, face painting, a petting zoo and much more, then at dusk there will be a 30 minute fireworks display. I am looking foward to it. Oh by the way, I got my camera sent off to be repaired. It will probably be 2 weeks before I get it back, but then I will finally get to share pictures with you all again! Yay!! Have a great Saturday night!
Friday, June 23, 2006
My daughter is so precious!!!
Lately Brooklyn has REALLY been a handful. Ever since she came home from visiting Matt's grandma for 4 days, she has been just defiant and a major smarty pants. (not that it has ANYTHING to do with her being there---if anything that would have helped her be better behaved) Anyway, that is not what this post is about...
In spite of the bad, she has also done some things that are just precious. For instance, a minute ago she asked me how to spell "wount". I asked her to repeat the word. Sure enough, she wanted me to spell "wount." I said, "Brooklyn "wount" isn't a word. How do you want to use it?" And her reply: "Wount you try this drink." I cracked up...what she was meaning was "why don't". I never realized it, but I say that ALL the time. "Wount you go pick up your toys" "Wount you go change clothes" etc. ha ha
In addition...yesterday while we were at McDonald's we had just gotten sat down with our food when I realized I had forgotten to get croutons for my salad. Not that big of a deal but she knows how much I like them so she offered to get them for me. I watched her go towards the front of the restrurant. She was very hesitant since there were probably 10 people waiting to order. I thought she would just up to the counter and get someones attention and ask but instead she just quietly got in line. She looked so little and naive and sweet and pure standing there behind a big biker-looking-guy in a leather vest. It was so precious to me that she was willing to just let her happy meal sit there on the table while she waited in that long line just to get me some croutons. Of course, I couldn't let her do it..so I ran in and got her and told her I didn't really need them anyway.
Lastly, one day last week when thing were getting really tense around here, I handed Grant a sippy cup of milk and walked out of the room for a minute. When I walked back in, there was my sweet daughter sitting on the couch with her little brother's head in her lap. She was running her fingers through his hair and singing him a song while he layed on the couch drinking his milk and "rubbing" the satin on his blankie.
I knew she wasn't doing it for show-just to impress me, she didn't even know I had seen...but it did impress me. It reminded me that even though they beat up on each other, pull each others hair, call each other names and fight non-stop...they really do love each other.
Brooklyn is always sure to wash Grant's hands when we enter and leave the daycare at the gym. Just a little thing..but she knows that we need to get the germs off and she cares that HE gets his hands washed too.
I definitely get flustered with her a lot..but I wouldn't trade her for anything or anyone. She is priceless and precious and such a gift from God. I just wish I would cherish her more and not get so frustrated with her. If I would just have a little more patience...I am always rushing her along. why oh why? Well, she is standing here right now asking to play computer games (and has been for the past 15 minutes) so I am going to quit rambling and give her a turn. bye4now!
Oh, one more thing. She calls Nickolodeon "Lickonodian" but don't tell her I told you...she gets really embarrased when I correct her! hee hee
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Addendum to previous post....
Whew! That work out kicked my butt!! We had a sub teaching the classes today and wow! what a difference a change up in your usual work out can make!! That so called energy I was talking about earlier just up and left me. All I feel like doing now is taking a shower, laying out by the pool and reading a good book. Of course, real life is staring me in the face telling me to do laundry, clean the bathrooms and vacuum the floors instead. Maybe I'll try to do a little of both. Can't have ALL work and NO play right? I'll leave you wtih a quote I like to think about sometimes "Are you losing today by always reaching for tomorrow?"
Good Morning...
It's a beautiful Thursday morning and for some reason I am in a great mood! It's going on 8 o'clock and already I've been up for nearly 2 hours, cooked Matt bacon, toast and eggs for breakfast; washed the dishes and put them away and done my work. I am off to a good start. Now it's up and off to the gym for me and the kids and then to McDonald's PlayLand for lunch. (Thursday is cheap happy meal day!) Boy it feels good to actually have some energy! Tuesday (my other big work-out day) I was so exhausted that after I got up at 6:15 and cooked Matt's breakfast, I took 4 individual quickie-naps in a 2 hour time period. I would work for about 15 minutes and then be so tired that I would just get out of my office chair and lay down on the floor next to my desk and zonk out! (very unusual for me) I ended up only going to one aerobics class that day (instead of my usual 2) and even that was physically grueling. It was all I could do to make myself hop around and do what seemed like a million lunges off of the step. Anyway, it certainly feels good to be back to my normal self today. Maybe my body just needed to catch up on some rest...?? who knows. Well, I am going to ruin my "early" start if I sit here and ramble any more so I better go. Hope you have a Terrific Thursday!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Okay, I'm a little behind....No...not a little butt...but a little behind on my posts. (guess I'm feeling sorta silly too) Anyway, Sunday was Father's Day and the kids and I took Matt to the water park for some fun in the sun! It was a great day. We bought him a bottle of cologne and a cute card and had pizza for dinner. Tuesday was Kendra's 20th!!! birthday. Happy Birthday "Ketcha"(cha-cha-cha) (as grant would say). Today, Wednesday, is my mom and dad's 31st wedding anniversary! Whew! That's a looooong time to put up with my dad! ha ha Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad! Also today, the kids and I got to go meet up with my blog-friend, Kristin and her little boy, Easton. She and I met through a mutual friend who also does blogging and now we've become friends. Today was our first time to actually meet in person and I think we got along great. (thanks craftylildevil!!)
At the moment, I am sitting at my desk where I should be working but instead I am doing other funner things like spending my visa rewards and typing a post on here. (okay..I know funner isn't really a word, but really, who cares?) I am about to go make steak fajita's for dinner (YUM) and then probably do laundry and watch tv with my family. How exciting, huh? I should be going to church...but it's hard to make myself go when I am all alone (and I can't talk anyone else here into going). Okay, well, that's about it for now. Hopefully I can steal some time soon though to write again! Love you all and hope your having a happy hump day!
Monday, June 19, 2006
Quote of the Day
"When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on."
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Hello?.... Is anybody out there???
I have not had a comment for my last 31 posts. I am beginning to wonder if anyone even reads this anymore....??? I don't mean to beg, but hey, I like a little feedback every now and then. Even my loyal readers don't comment anymore. Boohoo! Do me a tiny favor. If you are reading this, please, please leave me a note and let me know. Otherwise, maybe I will just let this blog R.I.P.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
This from someone who JUST experienced it:
It is not a good thing to sneeze while wearing Crest Whitening Strips. They will (without fail) blow right out of your mouth! (unless of course you are one of those sneeze-stifling people who chirps and calls that a sneeze).
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
This is a picture from back in March when my grandma was here visiting. 4 generations. Do you see the resemblence?
oh this makes me so mad!
Today I went bed shopping. I was hoping to find a really inexpensive "as is" headboard that I could use. Instead, I found a whole bed that I fell in love with and the price wasn't too bad either. I ended up calling Matt and he came and looked at it and liked it too so we bought it. Then, after dinner, we got everything cleaned out of the guest bedroom and all set and ready to put the bed together and realized that the STUPID furniture people gave us 2 footboards instead of the headboard. UGHHHHHHH! I know I shouldn't get so upset about stuff like this but it's just that it's about a 25 minute drive to the furniture store from our house, plus they were already closed for the night so there was no chance of us getting it all put together and set up tonight. Tomorrow we are going out of town so we can't do it then either. It's just so frustrating because Matt was willingly helping me and I was SO excited about getting it done and now we'll have to wait who knows how long. Anyway---that was my gripe session for today. In other news, we got an e-mail from Brooklyn today. She has been gone for 4 days now visiting her great-grandmothers on Matt's side. They e-mailed a couple of pictures to me of her and her aunt playing so I thought I'd share them with you all! One of these days, hopefully very soon, I will get my camera working again and then I'll have a BUNCH of pictures to share with you! In the meantime, you'll just have to keep reading my daily ramblings! sorry! ha ha
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
It don't matter if your black or white...
Whew! I have spent 7 hours of this day shopping for the so-called "perfect" black and white comforter which I am coming to believe doesn't exist. Or at least it only exists in my mind. I could have SWORN I saw one (like the one in my mind) at Target not too long ago, but if so, they must have sold out of them. Anyway, I ended up with a Egyptian Cotton Jersy Knit very comfy comforter in a dark grey/khaki color and some very cute black and white pillows. I threw in a crimson-red throw blanket and lots of black and white accents and it doesn't look half bad. I still need to find some sheets that will really POP since the comforter is so plain but I think it will turn out cute in the end. When I EVER get my camera fixed, I will take some pictures to show you all. Anyway, that's how my Tuesday was...hope yours was as much fun.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Since my baby left me....
Wow! A lot of things have happened since I last wrote. First and foremost, my sweet baby girl has left me for a week to go stay with her great-grandma and I am missing her SO much! I know she's having a blast and getting some much needed undivided attention and for that I am very grateful, but it is just so weird (and quiet) not having her around here! Last Thursday, my parents closed on their new house and began moving in. Then on Friday, we all packed and traveled south 3 hours to where Matt's little sister, Tara and her fiance, Larry, were getting married. I was a bridesmaid and Matt was an usher so we went Friday for the rehersal and then Saturday evening was the wedding. Everything turned out perfectly and beautifully. They are such a great couple and we look forward to lots of fun times together! Brooklyn decided to stay there with Matt's mamaw and then his brother, Cale will bring her home on Thursday. I have decided to try to get as much done in these next 3 days as humanly possible. My house needs a complete overhaul in the cleaning and organization department. Since my parents have lived with us, I've just kinda maintenance-cleaned...but now it's time to do some real work! I am also excited about getting my guest room all set up now. I think I am going to do it in mostly black and white with a shabby chic kind of theme. I'll probably throw some floral and gingham in here and there to give it a punch of color. I am hoping tomorrow to go looking for the perfect comforter and curtains. I think I'll start my search at Target because I can always find stuff I love there. Anyhow, speaking of guest-rooms, that gets me to thinking about the hotel we stayed at this weekend. I wish they'd had a comment box because I sure would have liked to give them a little piece of my mind. First of all, it's ridiculous how much these little no-name hotels charge....$89/night + taxes!! There are only 3 hotels in the town that are even decent and all 3 of them are at least this expensive. I know you might be thinking that doesn't sound like THAT much...and it wouldn't be if they were Ramada's or LaQuinta's or something..but these are little locally owned places. Then on top of it all, once we got into our room we called some of Matt's family to come over and swim in the pool with us--only to find out they'd just closed it because it had broken glass inside. UGH! So we head back to the room and settled in for the night. Then in the wee hours of the morning, we hear this long, horrible noise. It just keeps on and keeps on and finally it BARKS! Yes, that is right...there was a dog in the room next to ours that apparently had been left alone by its owner and was howling and barking its head off. This went on for nearly 2 hours when I finally got up and called the front desk to make them aware---which they ALREADY were! When I noticed the person staying in that room was coming back, I peeked out to see if I could actually see the dog and found out that it was an enormous pit bull! That's just CRAZY! Then Matt decided to take a shower and found a roach in the bathtub. ICK! I mean, that is just ridiculous...to pay $200 bucks to stay in a hotel and have to deal with all that. But, there wasn't anywhere else to go either...so we just have to deal with it (every time).
Okay, anyway, enough of all that...I hate it when I get to whining on here. Hopefully I don't whine that much when I am talking to people face to face! Well, I think I'll head to bed. Maybe if I hurry, I can catch my hubby still awake! Hope you have a great week!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Wednesday Water Fun
Today mom and I took the kids to a nearby town to a really neat little water park. (Your old town Amy!) It was so much fun. It took the kids a little while to WARM up to the COLD water...but eventually they did and then we could hardly drag them out. We stayed there for nearly 3 hours and they were still going strong. Actually, Grant was starting to get a little tired, but Brooklyn had just discovered the kiddie water-slide and wasn't ready to leave. Mom and I, however, were starting to worry that we were all going to be little lobsters when we got home. I'm pretty tan already, so I only put sunscreen on my face...but mom was pretty white and she didn't put sunscreen on at all! I lathered the kids up in it 5 different times while we were there but they still got a tiny bit burned. Anyway, I was hoping to get some color today because I am going to be a bridesmaid in Matt's little sister's wedding this Saturday and the dresses are yellow...which looks so much better with a good tan. I ran out of tans at the tanning salon I used to go to...so now I have to rely on the good-ol' sun. Wow! This is turning out to be a really un-interesting post. Sorry 'bout that! I can't think of much to say really. Mom and dad are closing on their house and moving in tomorrow! I wish I could post some new pictures but my stinkin' camera is still out-of-order and probably will be for some time. I took lots of pics at the water park today too...so some day...you'll get to see those too! Well, ya'll...that's about all I can think of to say. I feel like I've lost my writing flair. Maybe it's just due to my lack of time...?!? hopefully. Anyway, I will probably post some cute jokes I read in a magazine today sometime soon and then it'll probably be Sunday or Monday before I can write again! I love and miss you all! Jen
Wednesday Water Fun
Today mom and I took the kids to a nearby town to a really neat little water park. (Your old town Amy!) It was so much fun. It took the kids a little while to WARM up to the COLD water...but eventually they did and then we could hardly drag them out. We stayed there for nearly 3 hours and they were still going strong. Actually, Grant was starting to get a little tired, but Brooklyn had just discovered the kiddie water-slide and wasn't ready to leave. Mom and I, however, were starting to worry that we were all going to be little lobsters when we got home. I'm pretty tan already, so I only put sunscreen on my face...but mom was pretty white and she didn't put sunscreen on at all! I lathered the kids up in it 5 different times while we were there but they still got a tiny bit burned. Anyway, I was hoping to get some color today because I am going to be a bridesmaid in Matt's little sister's wedding this Saturday and the dresses are yellow...which looks so much better with a good tan. I ran out of tans at the tanning salon I used to go to...so now I have to rely on the good-ol' sun. Wow! This is turning out to be a really un-interesting post. Sorry 'bout that! I can't think of much to say really. Mom and dad are closing on their house and moving in tomorrow! I wish I could post some new pictures but my stinkin' camera is still out-of-order and probably will be for some time. I took lots of pics at the water park today too...so some day...you'll get to see those too! Well, ya'll...that's about all I can think of to say. I feel like I've lost my writing flair. Maybe it's just due to my lack of time...?!? hopefully. Anyway, I will probably post some cute jokes I read in a magazine today sometime soon and then it'll probably be Sunday or Monday before I can write again! I love and miss you all! Jen
Wednesday Water Fun
Today mom and I took the kids to a nearby town to a really neat little water park. (Your old town Amy!) It was so much fun. It took the kids a little while to WARM up to the COLD water...but eventually they did and then we could hardly drag them out. We stayed there for nearly 3 hours and they were still going strong. Actually, Grant was starting to get a little tired, but Brooklyn had just discovered the kiddie water-slide and wasn't ready to leave. Mom and I, however, were starting to worry that we were all going to be little lobsters when we got home. I'm pretty tan already, so I only put sunscreen on my face...but mom was pretty white and she didn't put sunscreen on at all! I lathered the kids up in it 5 different times while we were there but they still got a tiny bit burned. Anyway, I was hoping to get some color today because I am going to be a bridesmaid in Matt's little sister's wedding this Saturday and the dresses are yellow...which looks so much better with a good tan. I ran out of tans at the tanning salon I used to go to...so now I have to rely on the good-ol' sun. Wow! This is turning out to be a really un-interesting post. Sorry 'bout that! I can't think of much to say really. Mom and dad are closing on their house and moving in tomorrow! I wish I could post some new pictures but my stinkin' camera is still out-of-order and probably will be for some time. I took lots of pics at the water park today too...so some day...you'll get to see those too! Well, ya'll...that's about all I can think of to say. I feel like I've lost my writing flair. Maybe it's just due to my lack of time...?!? hopefully. Anyway, I will probably post some cute jokes I read in a magazine today sometime soon and then it'll probably be Sunday or Monday before I can write again! I love and miss you all! Jen
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Super Sundae
I am calling this Super Sundae #1 cuz it was a great Sunday at the Jones house but also #2 because we had some super sundae's for dessert tonight. I made low-fat brownies which we topped with fresh banana slices, strawberry slices and a scoop of Borden's Chocolate ice cream. YUM! YUM! YUM! You oughta try it!
Nothing new around here really...just a little housework and a lot of "chillaxin". (By the way Kendra, I've got Grant saying Chillax now! ha ha) Anyhow, this Thursday my parents will get to begin moving into their new house!!! Matt and I and the kids are (probably) going to take their camper this weekend and camp out at the lake in our home-town since we are going there for Matt's little sister's wedding and all the hotels in the entire (little) town are completely full already! The camper sounds like a lot more fun than a hotel anyway! I hope it all works out. The kids will LOVE it. Anyhow, it's only 10 pm right now, but I am really tired and I think I'll turn in early and catch some zzzz's. Hope you all had a great weekend too! xoxo
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Saturday evening news...
Happy Saturday!
What a fun, eventful day it has been for us! We started the day out with a yummy breakfast (thanx mom!) and then Matt and I went out light-shopping for a light fixture for a pole he brought home. It turned out that to buy a sturdy, attractive fixture, we were gonna have to spend a lot more than we had planned on, so we decided to just put that project off for a little while. Then we ran to Wal-mart to pick up a few necessities, then came home and had sandwhiches for lunch. After that Brooklyn and I vacuumed out my mom's car, my dad's truck and Matt's truck and hand-washed them all while Matt sprayed around the house for bugs. (we've had some FREAKY looking bugs around here lately!) After that we all headed to the pool for some refreshing and relaxing. Aghhh...it was so nice. Anyone who lives in this state deserves some kind of pool. It is just too dang hot around here to not have one! After swimming, we came in and had some fresh-off-the-grill barbequed ribs (YUM!) Then we all headed down to the barn to saddle up 2 of my dad's horses that just got back from the trainer's. They are very young and still a little fiesty, but they are broke now so we couldn't wait to get a saddle on them and try em' out. They did really well and even the kids got to get on them and ride. Right now, everyone is in the living room waiting on me to come watch a movie so I better end this for now. It seems like I am always in too big of a hurry to do much writing...but I guess that means I'm "living life." I'll try to write more soon...I have lots to say. My camera is still not working..so no new pics...but mom and dad's house is almost done!! It looks AWESOME! Only 5 more days till they get to move in!!!
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- Jen
- I have a husband I fall more in love with every day and 2 kids who have completely stolen my heart. I exercise a bit obsessively and am working out the kinks of living on a Dave Ramsey style budget. I am also a Beachbody Coach and fitness instructor. I enjoy nothing more than spending time with my friends and family! Oh and one last VERY important thing: I LOVE JESUS!!!
My favorite reads
Some Tips to Help Maintain a Healthy Back - A healthy back means a happier body. Your spine is linked to every part of your body in some way, and a pain in the back could also be causing that pain ...3 years ago
Chánge your pássword ímmediátely. Your áccount hás been hácked. - Hello! Í háve bád news for you. 14/03/2020 - on thís dáy Í hácked your operátíng system ánd got full áccess to your áccount brucker772003.beverly@blogger.c...4 years ago
It's Been Awhile - Wow! It has been awhile! Why do I even have a blog? With pinterest, facebook, emails, etc., I seldom make time to blog at all... that includes post o...9 years ago
#Ashleys31RAOK recap - Saturday was my birthday (*singing ensues...*) Several weeks ago, I had *what has turned into* quite the awesome idea. I created a Facebook event, *so it w...10 years ago
Vegetable Minestrone - This is a yummy soup. Hearty, healthy and made my body happy. Gluten free, (mostly) dairy free and vegetarian.YUM YUM! So good. *Vegetable Minestrone ...11 years ago
What the What?! These are Awesome - Whenever I work out I like to feel secure. Ya know what I mean ladies? I'm a chick with curves and those curves need to be held in tight when I work out....11 years ago
A new vacation! - We did something we have never done before... we went on vacation with several friends and stayed in the house of someone we had never met before!!! Very '...11 years ago
Herbal Lemonade - Herbal Lemonade 3 gallons Crystal Light Pure - lemonade flavor OR make your own genuine lemonade with real lemons and sugar (preferred) 4 oz. fresh dill ...11 years ago
Before and After... - Tonight at Run for God, a couple of ladies told me how much my testimony inspired them. They said they could not imagine that I was ever overweight, and ...11 years ago
P90X Day 10, 11 & 12 - YES! We are still going strong! :) I will admit, Saturday proved to be too much of a challenge and we were unable to get out workout in. By the time we got ...11 years ago
Happy New Year! - 2012 ended with Stephen replacing the battery in my car before he had to go to work. I then finished up some work, and the boys and I stayed up until midn...12 years ago
Hello Friendship! - So this will be a short post...BUT I'VE MOVED ON TO ANOTHER BLOG/WEBSITE! Please, for the love of all things that are holy...follow me there. I will be lea...12 years ago
talentshow results!!! - So we did our dance in the talent show it was awesome!!!! We did mess up but no one noticed everyone sang along with the song claped and kept going on and ...12 years ago
Nothing like a Sunday run to breathe life into you! - In so many ways, it really feels like I'm starting the next chapter in my life... and it feels great! I spent the last 3 weeks traveling for work, but I ha...12 years ago
Blessed by those around me - I was filled with happy tears today reading a card that was given to us by T's school. It was a thank you for something we had done recently, but what touc...12 years ago
3 month update! - I should really come around here more than every 3 months. After all, the hope is that one day my boys will read this and know all about their childhood. I...13 years ago
Relocation... - After doing a pretty poor job of maintaining four different blogs, I have decided to migrate them all over to Wordpress to become one blog. I only chose Wo...13 years ago
Last Day of School!!! - YAY!!! It's the last day of school for Kendall! Of course, we celebrate the last day of school EVERY year, but this year it's an even bigger celebration ...13 years ago
First Post!!! - Well then. Should I start? Things about me that you should know: - My name is Fran. It's short for my real name. - I'm fourteen years old. - I liv...13 years ago
Florida Visit 2010 August - Family Trip to Florida in August....These are my peeps and I love them all so much!! My girls love being in Florida and miss them all too!!! Princess Laure...14 years ago
My Birthday - This is a Disney World "It's My Birthday" button...we're not going on my birthday BUT we are going December 5th-11th! Ok, I haven't been on here a while,...14 years ago
The End - My last post was July 31. It was my grandparents' anniversary but it also marked the four year anniversary of this blog. Four years! I've enjoyed sharing s...14 years ago
Worst pain I've ever experienced - Well, I am currently sitting in the hospital. I burnt my legs a youth camp last week ,now I am in recovery mode. This is by far the worst pain I have ever ex...14 years ago
New Blog! - Ok, I have started a new blog! I know a little more about blogging now and I am ready to start chronicling my life for all the world to see (kind of)! The ...14 years ago
Personal Training! - I just wanted to report that I have not fallen off the wagon :) I have been studying for my CPT Exam and actually today worked 1 on 1 with a client at the ...15 years ago
A New Fitness Love - OK, I'm a slacker...I just noticed that it has been 2 months since my last post. Believe me, I haven't been slacking off on my fitness and nutrition. But.....15 years ago
Core Synergistics=Death - Hahaha! This workout is waaay super fun! I really do enjoy it. About halfway through, I want to throw up. I've never had an at-home DVD that's able to do t...15 years ago
Grand Adventures! - It's 8:30 Sunday morning and my brother and his family of seven just pulled out of my driveway, headed off to Washington D.C. for a family trip. They drove...15 years ago
SPRING (we're actually going somewhere) BREAK - We are going somewhere for Spring Break on Tuesday. I can hardly believe it, since in our whole married life I can't think of a time where we actually sche...15 years ago
My Peeps
Our P90X Journey
Blog Archive
- Rocky Road
- Just for today.....Be Happy!
- 101 %
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- Cry Baby
- Your Body Is A Wonderland: Any Given Thursday DVD ...
- matt -n- jen 4-ever
- My daughter is so precious!!!
- Addendum to previous post....
- Good Morning...
- Celebrate!!
- Quote of the Day
- Hello?.... Is anybody out there???
- FYI:
- This is a picture from back in March when my grand...
- Brooklyn and Aunt Jenna having fun!
- oh this makes me so mad!
- It don't matter if your black or white...
- Since my baby left me....
- Wednesday Water Fun
- Wednesday Water Fun
- Wednesday Water Fun
- Super Sundae
- Saturday evening news...