

If you had an opportunity to make double your current salary...but would have to be away from your family a minimum of 5 days (and nights) a week to do it...would you?
Yesterday Brooklyn took a jar to school with a bug in it that we had found out on our porch. Thesebugs are the nastiest bugs you've EVER seen. They are probably about 2 inches long and are so big and thick that they look like they have flesh. They look like a GIANT ant/cricket/grasshopper/frog or something. Anyway, we caught the thing and put it in this jar where it died. She decided to take it to school and show everyone.
When I picked her up from school yesterday I asked her how her day was. She said, "This was probably the best day of my whole life!" I said, "Really? Why?" And she said, "Mom it was So cool! Everyone was crowded around me and pushing to see the bug and everyone wanted to hold it and look at it and even Mrs. Jenkins got excited when she saw it!"
Ha ha ha....
Funny how being "popular" means so much...even in 1st grade. Kinda sad actually. Anyway, I hope she has more "Best" days that top the "bringing a gross bug to school" day.
(I wish I had thought to take a picture of it...but I didn't. I will take one of the next one we find though because I KNOW you all are JUST dying to see it! ;o)
Heard this song yesterday and it reminded me of how I feel about my hubby. What do ya'll think? like it?
I was half-tempted to not even do this post today seeing as how what I have to say is COMPLETELY DEPRESSING...but I am commited to this and I know this is just what happens sometimes...so I am going to tell the truth. This morning when I got on the scale...it said I had GAINED a pound! ERGH! Talk about discouraging! So...this is the breakdown...started dieting and lost 5 pounds in the first week. Lost nothing/gained nothing in the 2nd week. Gained a pound in the 3rd week. So...I am at 149 right now. My only "hope" is that maybe the weight loss just hasn't "caught up" with me yet. You know how sometimes you think to yourself, "man I've been eating a lot lately and I don't even feel any fatter" and then all of a sudden a few days later it's like it all "catches up" with you and suddenly you feel like an elephant? Well, sometimes it takes a little while for all your hard work to catch up with you too...and I am hoping and praying that is what is going on with me. I have been working out HARD and a LOT lately...and counting my calories...so I know I am doing the right stuff. If you watched The Biggest Loser last night, you saw that they are also not dropping pounds very fast either. Most of them only lost 3 pounds this past week (compared with 10 pounds average on other weeks/episodes).
Anyway, I am not giving up. If I continue to have little or no weight loss..I guess I'll just have to get even stricter with my diet. I've been aiming for 1200 cal. a day for these past 3 weeks...but I've been kind of "sloppy" with it, not being exact when it comes to dishes I am making for dinner--just doing guesstimations...
Okay, so that's it for now...will update you all again next Wednesday! How are you guys all doing?
So..the other day Brooklyn and I are having a little "salon" time together. I did my toenails and then I did her fingernails and her toenails. I noticed that Grant had been being SUCH a good boy---keeping busy in the other room playing while we did our girly stuff. But, once I got done doing our nails..I remembered that he needed his nails clipped too, so I went and found him playing (washing his hands over and over) in the sink. Okay..whatever..he's not supposed to do that...but no biggie. So I get him out of the water and get set to clip his nails and I'm like, "Grant?!? what is all over your hands?" They are this weird bluish, purplish color. Huh? He just says "I dunno". Then I get to his middle finger and there is big glob of purple and it dawns on me! Fingernail polish!!!! Sure enough, he'd been in Brooklyn's room, in her floor painting his fingernails purple!!! The bottle was laying in her carpet with the lid half on/half off! I ran over and grabbed it and THANK GOD there was only just a teeny tiny drip! Anyway, I asked him about it and he just kept mumbling "I dunno" and looking down at his feet. He was big-time GUILTY! Anyway, I told him he wasn't in trouble this time because he didn't know...but from now on...he has to ask mommy if he wants his nails painted! ha ha
At laaaaast....the time has come....(hear the song in your head?)I have been wanting to blog for oh...about a week now but just haven't been able to find the time. I actually have a note pad on my desk with a list of things I want to remember to blog about when I find time! (pretty pathetic) but as busy as my life has been this past week...if I didn't write them down..I never would have been able to remember.So, first of all I'll tell you a funny little story:The other day while in the car, I was trying to work with Brooklyn on her counting. They've been learning how to count by 10's and 5's at school. This prompted me to tell her about counting by 2's and then about even and odd numbers. She didn't understand, so I used several examples like if I had 5 M&M's and I had to divide them up equally between her and Grant...that would be impossible because that is an ODD number...but if I had 4 M&M's that would be easy because that is an EVEN number. Anyway, after about 15 minutes of this she said, "I still don't get it." To which Grant said, "I get it!!" To which Brooklyn responded, "You don't get it...you just wanna make a fool out of me!"Ha Ha Ha...Matt and I cracked up. She didn't see what was so funny...but we sure got a good laugh.
Secondly, now, I'll tell you a more serious story:Saturday, the ---- hit the fan, so to speak, at our house where our houseguest is concerned. It's a long story and probably not one that I should go into a lot of detail about because it's "our family business" as my husband would say. And he's right. I'm just such a blabber mouth that it's my tendency to want to just blabber on and give you every little detail. Anyway, long story short----some bad stuff happened, feelings got hurt, words were said, possesions got ruined, time got wasted, money got wasted---but in the end, the truth was told. My husband has gained my utmost respect for the way he has handled himself throughout this. He is the most tenderhearted Macho guy you'll ever meet. He has the tough-man exterior and it goes pretty deep---but somewhere in there, in his innermost being...he is a sweet little marshmallow. I look up to him in a whole new way after this whole experience (during the last 3 months). Anyway, it will be bitter-sweet to see PeePaw go. The kids have grown SO close to him since having him live here with us. The first thing they say when they walk into the house or when they wake up is "Where's Peepaw?" I will also miss him. He's been my friend throughout the days when it's just me and the kids here...he's been an always willing babysitter ANYtime I needed him..and he's also been my yard guy for most of the summer! It just feels like a "party" all the time when you have someone else around---to play games with, to cook for, to watch movies with... Matt, of course, has enjoyed having his dad so close. They've gone fishing a few times and have had lots of time to reminice. (sp?) In all...it's been a great time having him here with us...other than the times we let ourselves get frustrated that we were having to support and take care of a full grown adult. Nevertheless, we wouln't trade this time together for anything. The kids (especially Grant) hardly knew him before this..and now they are buddies for life. Brooklyn has always been his biggest fan...and she still is. Of course though...there comes a time when things have to change...and people have to move on. After the whole episode that happened this weekend, we all realized that this isn't going to work anymore. So...we will miss him dearly and hope he comes to visit OFTEN...but Peepaw is leaving this weekend.
Okay and now, thirdly (if that is even a word??)...here is a LOVE story for you all:
I received this text message on my phone yesterday morning:
Hey Babe. I love you and miss you. You're such a blessing to me. I'm a lucky man. I thank God for you.
I wrote back:
It means so much to me that you feel that way. Isn't it amazing how God put us together---such an unlikely pair and yet a perfect match! I love you and I respect you more than ever. You have handeled this situation so honorbly. I am so proud to be your wife.
And he wrote back:
And what a woman and good mother you have become. Thanks for always taking care of us.
And I wrote back:
It's all I have ever wanted. God has given me the desires of my heart!
Now that folks...is the sign of a good marriage. It didn't come easy...but like anything, with hard work and dedication, lots of love and forgiveness and most importantly with GOD....marriage can be AWESOME!
Okay, so there...that's 3 things checked off the list. The rest of these "stories" have pictures to go along with them...so I will post them seperately.
If you haven't already, please go over to amos's blog and check out the YouTube video. It has truely touched my heart.
Friday night, Brooklyn went to her friend, Faith's birthday party which was at this really cool place. It was like a little castle with lots of different rooms and "castles". There was a "salon" area where the girls got to sit in cute barstools and get their hair and make up and nails done. Then there was the "dressing room" where they got to change into 1 of about 200 dress up costumes. After that, they had a fashion show and did a group dance on the stage. They also had a microphone for them to sing along with the Hannah Montana cd that was playing. It was a really fun time and the girls had a blast!
It's 7:14 am Sunday morning and things are going perfectly. (wow---that's a first!) I've already been up, showered, done my make-up & hair and am completely ready. As soon as I finish typing this..I am going to get the kids up, bathe and dress them and then we're off to EARLY service!! (wow---that's (almost) a first!) If we make it there on time...that'll be a first too!
After church, we are going to Souper Salad because I have some BOGO coupons and plus...eating there is actually OK for my diet. (which is going great by the way---I am already feeling thinner!) Then it's back home for an hour or two before I head to the gym for a couple of classes. (wow---that's a first too!!! going to the gym on Sunday!)
I am feeling optimistic about my day...I hope it holds up to my expectations!
Will write again soon!
Must go wake up kids...:o)
Ninety Six--96---that is the number of shirts in my 3-year-old son's closet at this moment. Is that INSANE or what? Plus....that's not even counting however many there are in the dirty clothes basket right now or the fact that I just sold a huge rack of the kids' clothes in the JBF sale this week!!!!
For the past half hour, I have been putting away laundry in the kids rooms and I just can't believe how many clothes they have. Of course...I am counting summer and winter clothes...but still, that seems a bit on the ridiculous side...that he has 96+ shirts.
What's even more crazy...is that he has 1 or 2 that are his FAVORITE and those are the only ones he will willingly wear. Ha!
Okay..back to work.....
So, last night was my first Spanish class at church. (the first of 12). The teacher told us that by the end of week 12, we will be able to attend a social gathering (which will be held at our church) and ONLY speak Spanish at it the whole time! Wow! Last night we started with the alphabet. It's pretty different. Did you know that in the Spanish language, the "H" sound is Always silent....you Never pronounce the "huh" sound. Here are a few key phrases we learned last night:
Buenos Dias = Good Morning or Good Day because "dias" actually means day.
Buenas Tardes = Good Afternoon
Buenas Noches = Good Evening or Good Night because "noches" actually means night
Also manana (mon-yawn-ah) means tomorrow. I always thought it meant Monday!
This will certainly be an interesting class. I just hope I have the want-to enough to follow through with it. The main reason I am taking the class is so that I can communicate with my next-door neighbor who only speaks Spanish (and a teeny bit of broken English). Her daughter, who likes to come over and play with my kids, ONLY speaks Spanish so I can't ever communicate with her at all. Plus, I think it will be a helpful tool in many areas of life.
Anyhow, just curious...how many of you know Spanish?
Just wanted to pass these things along to you all that I found online this morning:
1. You can go to www.kraftfoods.com/kids and down load cute jokes to put in your kids lunch box. (while you're there...sign up to receive their free recipe magazine! It's GREAT!)
2. You can go to www.kashi.com and get a free snack. They are trying to help people choose better, healthier snacks...so go claim yours!
I am cringing as I type this because I know you are all rolling your eyes at the fact that I am once AGAIN talking about my weight. It's just an ongoing thing for me...always has been and always will be. Maybe you guys aren't as tired of hearing about it as I think...??? but the people who've been with me forever (my husband and my childhood friends) think that I obsess about this. Regardless...this is my blog...and I want to (as minimally as possible) chronical on here how my progress is going.
As I mentioned before, last Tuesday I weighed 153 and I was stunned. It'd been a while since I'd been on a scale and the last time I had weighed, I was in the 145 range....so I never expected to see that the numbers had risen so much. I made a vow to myself (and my hubby) when I first lost all my weight that I would NEVER let the scale get above 150 again in my LIFE. So, when I saw this...I knew it was time to take serious action. Since that very day...I have been counting my calories (1200/day) and exercising more and I have given up ALL soda drinking---meaning even DIET soda. Even though it doesen't have any calories...the studies are saying now that drinking diet pop can make you gain weight...so I figured it's worth a try. Also, since my fav. TV show The Biggest Loser started last night...I am going to pretend in my mind in the little world that I live in that I am doing it "with" them. When I want to quit exercising..I'll just think of those people and how hard they are working and that will be motivation to keep going.
SO.....drumroll please.....
After 1 solid week of doing everything right....I am down to 148! Hooray! 5 pounds! Off to a good start. Of course, I know from previous experience, that usually the first week is "big" and then the subsequent weeks--the numbers don't change so much. But usually by the 3rd or 4th week, I will be seeing some good results again. Anyway, I am only going to weigh once a week (Wednesday's) and I will post my results for you all to see. I would LOVE to encourage any/all of you to join me on this! It's really just as simple as limiting your calories (write EVERYTHING down) and doing some sort of exercise EVERY day.
My goal is to be at or below 130 by Christmas---which is completely attainable if I stick to this.
So, that's it for this week!
How many of you are going to join me???
Why is it that a word you hear all the time sounds fine when anyone says it EXCEPT when you hear your 3 year old say it?
Lately, Grant has taken a liking to the movie The Little Rascals. We bought that movie back when Brooklyn was littler (4 ish) and she just loved it. She watched it over and over. Now Grant has decided he likes it and has watched it several times recently. However, our DVD player downstairs isn't working...so when he watches...he watches it upstairs. (out of our hearing distance) Well, lately he's been calling everyone around here (in our house) "jerk" and "freak". Well, naturally, I was apalled at this kind of language. I mean, the work "jerk" isn't that big of a deal normally...but when my little 3-year-old walks over and calls me it....then it becomes a big deal---and sounds awful! Eventually (30 "jerks" and "freaks" later), Matt and I realized that they say those words on that movie. The problem is....he LOVES to say these words. Mostly to his sister because it makes her SO MAD when he calles her that and what could be better than making your big sister STEAMING MAD? (insert big sigh here with a roll of the eyes) I have spanked, threatened and given time outs for him saying these words but it just seems like it's worth it to him to take the punishment for the satisfaction he gets from making his sister that upset. What a crooked thing....to get that much joy out of someone else's anguish. And they are both that way. I've gotten to where I'll watch Brooklyn's face out of the corner of my eye when Grant is getting in trouble and she is as HAPPY and GIDDY as can be that he's being disciplined. Maybe that is what "sibling rivalry" is all about....!?! I never had a brother or sister around when I was growing up. (my 4 siblings were 10+ years older than me). I grew up pretty much surrounded by respectful adults...and would have NEVER even thought of talking like my kids do.
Anyway, one more gripe in the way of words......I noticed the other day that Nickolodian has a commercial out right now about parents talking to their kids about sex. It says the word "sex" about 5 times. Now Brooklyn LOVES to say "sex". I asked her what she thinks that word means and she said "when you kiss with your clothes off". Hmmm....not too far from the truth...but really....do I have to be having this talk with her ALREADY? She's only SIX for crying out loud. I just don't understand why kids channels want to put such OBVIOUS commercials out there. I've heard her say her barbies were having "sex" now and also when we were watching a tv show the other day and the wife walked out of the bedroom buttoning up her shirt...Brooklyn said "They were probably in there having sex". Now that REALLY sounds weird coming out a 6 year olds mouth.
Am I over reacting or is this crazy? How do I teach them that certain words are inappropriate to say even though they aren't curse words???
First of all...here is my new hair cut...though you can't really see it because this pic is dark....but I tried. :o)
cuz according to the scale at the Omniplex Science Museum yesterday, I have gained 10 pounds since I last weighed!!!!! AUGH!!!!! All I can figure is that I am severely constipated and that if my body worked right....I would poop often enough to keep this from happening. Seriously guys....and I know this is gross and disgusting and WAYYY too much info....but how many of you suffer from the once-a-week-dump issue? Cuz I sure do and LOTS of people I know do too. All women. What's up with that? My husband and most men I've ever met (and discussed this with) all poop AT LEAST daily....if not more like 2-3 times a day! Jeepers! If I went that much...I'd be who-knows-how-many pounds thinner! Think about it...it's basic math right? 3 meals in a day x 7 days equals (a minimum of) 21 meals a week. Now if you pooped 2-3 times day...that would even out just fine...but if you only poop ONCE....that is way off balance cuz there is no way you can poop out 21 meals worth of "garbage" in one sitting.
Now I have tried to fix this problem....I have taken pills, eaten more raisens and stuff like that. I've tried drinking more water, jumping up and down and even just making myself sit on the dang pot even if I don't have to go to try to "train my body" (according to my dad...that's the key). Nothing helps. At one point, I was eating an oatmeal raisen cookie every morning and sure enough..I'd go every day about an hour later...but that only worked for about a month and then I quit going and just started gaining weight from all the cookies! ha ha
Anyhow....this revelation of my weight gain is just disgusting and I am not going to just sit back and let more creep on. I figure since this is beginning of a new season of Biggest Loser on NBC...then I might as well just get on the weight-loss bandwagon with them and see what I can do when I put my mind to it. Now I have more like 30 pounds to lose instead of the 20 that I've been talking about for the past year. BUMMER!
Anyway, sorry for such a nasty post...but that's what's been on my mind this morning.
Of course, I have LOTS of pictures and stories to tell you about our little mini-vacation but I'll have to save that for later when I have more time!