If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
I have a husband I fall more in love with every day and 2 kids who have completely stolen my heart. I exercise a bit obsessively and am working out the kinks of living on a Dave Ramsey style budget. I am also a Beachbody Coach and fitness instructor. I enjoy nothing more than spending time with my friends and family! Oh and one last VERY important thing: I LOVE JESUS!!!
Some Tips to Help Maintain a Healthy Back
A healthy back means a happier body. Your spine is linked to every part of
your body in some way, and a pain in the back could also be causing that
pain ...
Discovering and Understanding Your Life Purpose
What is it that you're missing in your life? What is it that you'd most
like to have? Would you like more l...
It's Been Awhile
Wow! It has been awhile! Why do I even have a blog? With pinterest,
facebook, emails, etc., I seldom make time to blog at all... that
includes post o...
#Ashleys31RAOK recap
Saturday was my birthday (*singing ensues...*)
Several weeks ago, I had *what has turned into* quite the awesome idea.
I created a Facebook event, *so it w...
Vegetable Minestrone
This is a yummy soup. Hearty, healthy and made my body happy. Gluten free,
(mostly) dairy free and vegetarian.YUM YUM! So good.
*Vegetable Minestrone ...
What the What?! These are Awesome
Whenever I work out I like to feel secure. Ya know what I mean ladies?
I'm a chick with curves and those curves need to be held in tight when I
work out....
A new vacation!
We did something we have never done before...
we went on vacation with several friends and stayed in the house of someone
we had never met before!!! Very '...
Herbal Lemonade
Herbal Lemonade
3 gallons Crystal Light Pure - lemonade flavor
OR make your own genuine lemonade with real lemons and sugar (preferred)
4 oz. fresh dill
Before and After...
Tonight at Run for God, a couple of ladies told me how much my testimony
inspired them. They said they could not imagine that I was ever
overweight, and ...
P90X Day 10, 11 & 12
YES! We are still going strong! :)
I will admit, Saturday proved to be too much of a challenge and we were
unable to get out workout in. By the time we got ...
Happy New Year!
2012 ended with Stephen replacing the battery in my car before he had to go
to work. I then finished up some work, and the boys and I stayed up until
Hello Friendship!
So this will be a short post...BUT I'VE MOVED ON TO ANOTHER BLOG/WEBSITE!
Please, for the love of all things that are holy...follow me there. I will
be lea...
talentshow results!!!
So we did our dance in the talent show it was awesome!!!! We did mess up
but no one noticed everyone sang along with the song claped and kept going
on and ...
Nothing like a Sunday run to breathe life into you!
In so many ways, it really feels like I'm starting the next chapter in my
life... and it feels great! I spent the last 3 weeks traveling for work,
but I ha...
Blessed by those around me
I was filled with happy tears today reading a card that was given to us by
T's school. It was a thank you for something we had done recently, but what
If anybody still "follows" this blog, I've started a new blog over at
Come check it out. It's still really new so there's not ...
3 month update!
I should really come around here more than every 3 months. After all, the
hope is that one day my boys will read this and know all about their
childhood. I...
After doing a pretty poor job of maintaining four different blogs, I have
decided to migrate them all over to Wordpress to become one blog. I only
chose Wo...
Last Day of School!!!
YAY!!! It's the last day of school for Kendall! Of course, we celebrate
the last day of school EVERY year, but this year it's an even bigger
celebration ...
First Post!!!
Well then. Should I start?
Things about me that you should know:
- My name is Fran. It's short for my real name.
- I'm fourteen years old.
- I liv...
Florida Visit 2010 August
Family Trip to Florida in August....These are my peeps and I love them all
so much!! My girls love being in Florida and miss them all too!!!
Princess Laure...
My Birthday
This is a Disney World "It's My Birthday" button...we're not going on my
birthday BUT we are going December 5th-11th!
Ok, I haven't been on here a while,...
The End
My last post was July 31. It was my grandparents' anniversary but it also
marked the four year anniversary of this blog. Four years! I've enjoyed
sharing s...
Worst pain I've ever experienced
Well, I am currently sitting in the hospital. I burnt my legs a youth camp
last week ,now I am in recovery mode. This is by far the worst pain I have
ever ex...
For our 5 yr anniversary we went back to a cabin we went to on our 1 yr
anniversay! This time we stayed a week and had lots of fun! I'm usuall...
New Blog!
Ok, I have started a new blog! I know a little more about blogging now and
I am ready to start chronicling my life for all the world to see (kind of)!
The ...
Personal Training!
I just wanted to report that I have not fallen off the wagon :) I have been
studying for my CPT Exam and actually today worked 1 on 1 with a client at
the ...
A New Fitness Love
OK, I'm a slacker...I just noticed that it has been 2 months since my last
post. Believe me, I haven't been slacking off on my fitness and nutrition.
Core Synergistics=Death
Hahaha! This workout is waaay super fun! I really do enjoy it. About
halfway through, I want to throw up. I've never had an at-home DVD that's
able to do t...
Grand Adventures!
It's 8:30 Sunday morning and my brother and his family of seven just pulled
out of my driveway, headed off to Washington D.C. for a family trip. They
SPRING (we're actually going somewhere) BREAK
We are going somewhere for Spring Break on Tuesday. I can hardly believe
it, since in our whole married life I can't think of a time where we
actually sche...
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